Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jumping in!

Is it wrong to say that I am scared to death? I am but I'm jumping in anyways. For a long time people have been telling me to start my own business. They have encouraged me, prodded me and pushed a little so I guess to say I'm jumping in is a bit of an exaggeration but hey it's my perception right?

Here goes....Welcome to Heather Dawn Photography located in the Lebanon/ Mount Juliet area of Tennessee. This blog will be a way to me to share my journey as I do what I love and take pictures. I have always said I didn't have a passion. I had lots of things I loved to do but nothing I felt passionate about until I got my first DSLR Camera. From there my passion has bubbled up and overflown out of me. I love to capture what I call the "everydays" that we often overlook till it is too late. Everydays is the screaming baby that at the time you want to hide from until you look back and you can't remember the last time you saw the adorable scrunched up face. The favorite toy that a child can never be without until one day it is gone. I want to capture those moments for you. From birth till holding your grandchildren I hope to give people rememberances that they will treasure forever and will tell their story for generations to come.

Interested in a shoot send me a message! In the mean time check out my new site


  1. Proud of you. Your pictures are awesome!

  2. The site looks amazing. Some of my favorite ones are up, and I love the ones that I hadn't seen before. I really like that I made an appearance ;) You are truly, truly talented! So proud of you for taking the leap, no doubt that you are going to have great success. Love you!

  3. I love it! Your site is beautiful, your pictures are beautiful and I wish you all the best and hope that you have a very successful business!

  4. your awesome, and your profile is amazing
    good luck(:
    love you and miss you
