Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Things I Love

When you have children your entire perspective on life changes. You see your kids every day and they transform into little people without you even realizing it. With my first the excitement of her learning new things and achieving the next milestone caused us to always be looking ahead. Then when the second came along my daughter immediately changed from the baby to the big kid even when she was truly still so small. My son I was so busy adjusting to life with two and making it work I tended to clump them together and he too seemed to rush through infancy. When I had my third child I was so determined to not rush her. The irony is she was determined to rush me! As we begin to approach her first birthday she is walking around doing her best to keep up with her siblings. I have thousands (and that is no exaggeration) of pictures of each of my kids and yet I still feel like I'm missing something. I want to bottle every moment and hold it. You know what I'm guilty of the most? I take tons of pictures but they remain hidden on my computer for often months at a time. Recently I have been making an effort to change that but what do you do when you run out of wall space, table space, any space? Thank heavens for technology. Watching a design show on TV this past weekend I saw them take down the pictures from cluttered walls and buy several digital photo frames.

I love digital frames. I have bought them for gifts for people for years but I have never invested in one myself! I'm adding a couple to my Christmas list for sure. Great idea right?

I want to help you also enjoy those pictures everyday so I am adding a bonus to all photo sessions till the end of the year. With any photo prints order I will include a low resolution CD with all the proofs from your session. So give me a call and schedule a session soon!!

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